
I'm Tom Rainford, a Studio AKA animation director. If you fancy taking a look at my portfolio, you can find it on my website, or if you want to get in touch, feel free to send me an email.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Art & Graft

As a result of Grocery Day I was offered a short mid-term internship at the great Art & Graft, a moving image studio in East London. It's been wonderful so far, the guys there are great and I can't get over the sight of Big Ben over the Thames every night. I've had my input on some big and exciting projects, alongside which I've been busy making introductions for their showreels. Here's some concept art, it should be done by Tuesday/Wednesday.

I'm dabbling in real 3D for the first time on this little project too, so it's an exciting adjustment in direction. I'm interested to see how I will incorporate this into my imagemaking in the future, as I've never been a fan of the straight up 3D aesthetic.